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St. George’s, Grenada, 13 May 2015 (CRFM): Fisheries Ministers from Member States of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) are expected to sign off on the Declaration on Spiny Lobster by way of a resolution, when they convene the 9th Meeting of the Ministerial Council of the CRFM on Friday, 15 May 2015 at Flamboyant Hotel in St. George's, Grenada.

The non-binding declaration establishes a roadmap for closer cooperation among the 17 CARICOM/CRFM States to ensure long-term conservation and sustainable use of the lobster resources.

The Ministerial Council meeting is scheduled to open at 9:00 a.m. The feature address will be delivered by Honourable Roland Bhola, Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Grenada, who will assume the chairmanship of the Council on the occasion of the meeting from Honourable Johnson Drigo, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Dominica.

Milton Haughton, Executive Director of the CRFM Secretariat in Belize, said: “This is another important policy-level meeting of the CRFM Member States as they seek to strengthen cooperative arrangements, to realize the full development potential of the fisheries and aquaculture sector in the region.

“Our vision and long-term goal is to transform the region’s fisheries and aquaculture into sustainable systems, in order to optimize the sector’s contribution to food and nutritional security, improved livelihoods and wealth generation, through the application of science and technology, good governance, and inclusive, sustainable development strategies.”

When they meet this Friday, the Caribbean Fisheries Ministers will be reviewing the progress being made in the implementation of existing policy instruments and programs. In charting the way forward, they will also make decisions on the next steps in the transformation process.

High on their agenda will be the endorsement of the process now underway to develop the Plan of Action to facilitate the implementation of the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy (CCCFP).

The Fisheries Ministers will also discuss an initiative recently announced by the Government of the United States during the Caribbean Energy Summit on climate risk insurance for the Caribbean fisheries sector. This is in line with efforts to achieve Climate Smart Food Security (CSFS) using a Risk Insurance Facility (RIF).

The Ministerial Council will finally receive a full report on the outcome and recommendations of the 13th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, held in St. George’s, Grenada at the end of March this year.

The Ministerial Council of the CRFM is the arm of the CRFM which has primary responsibility for determining the policies of the organisation, resource allocation, cooperative agreements, and related decision-making.



St. George’s, Grenada, 1 April 2015 (CRFM): Fisheries officials who spoke at the 13th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, held in St. George’s, Grenada, earlier this week, highlighted the need for collective action by the 17 member states of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), in order to overcome the mounting challenges which confront the fisheries and aquaculture sector of the Caribbean.

Senator Simon Steele, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment of Grenada, the keynote speaker for the event, elaborated on some of the challenges: among them international and local economic pressures and rising input costs; threats to fish stocks and habitats from pollution and illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing; as well as the adverse effects of climate change.

“We have no shortage of challenges,” said Steele, adding that, “To confront these challenges as small island developing states with vulnerable economies, it is of critical importance that we strengthen our cooperation and unity within the region, since we share common principles in developing, managing, and utilizing the living marine resources in a responsible and sustainable manner – which is why forums such as this are of such importance to us.”

Milton Haughton, the Executive Director of the CRFM, highlighted the need for the region to make a more concerted effort to reverse the trend of declining aquaculture in the Caribbean—a trend which runs contrary to the global upswing, which shows aquaculture outpacing capture fisheries.

“In the 1970s, most of the seafood we consumed was harvested from wild marine stocks with aquaculture contributing just 3% of total fish production. Today, aquaculture is the fastest growing food production sector in the world,” Haughton said.

By contrast he noted that, “Commercial aquaculture began in the region in the late 1970s and production steadily grew to just under 19,000 metric tons in 2004/2005. But since the global economic crisis, aquaculture has declined dramatically in the region to about 8,000 metric tons in 2012, with the main reduction coming from the collapse of the industry in Jamaica, which fell from 5,000 to 6,000 metric tons to just about 500 metric tons in 2012.”

Haughton said that the Caribbean must begin to put in place the systems and regulations needed to overcome the impediments being faced in the region.

“We do need to provide the necessary legislative and regulatory framework, the policy support and the incentives to our fish farmers and private sector investors, so that they can grow the sector and increase production not only for local consumption but also for exports, to earn foreign exchange, to generate employment opportunities, and to create wealth for our people,” the CRFM Executive Director urged.

During the past year, the CRFM, with funding from the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), conducted a review of aquaculture in region and it prepared a 5-year plan of action to guide development of aquaculture for the coming years.

“Our region is endowed with a vast amount of marine space which provides significant opportunities that can contribute to the economic and social development of current and future generations. It is fundamental that we engage in efforts that would enhance capacity and collaboration among our peoples at all levels,” said Marilyn Austin-Cadore, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Forestry and Fisheries, who noted that this was the first time the Forum was meeting in Grenada.

During the Forum meeting, Andrew Magloire, Chief Fisheries Officer of Dominica, turned over the chairmanship of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum to his counterpart from Grenada, the host country.

Magloire, who proceeded on preretirement leave after the meeting, said that while the CRFM and the Forum have grappled with “humungous challenges,” they have also enjoyed “humongous successes.”

“Central to this, we see the ratification and acceptance or adaptation of the Common Fisheries Policy, which has been a mechanism that we have been working on for the last 12 years, and it is most heartening for me to stand here as outgoing chair knowing that we have finally come to the point of the acceptance [and] adoption of the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy,” said Magloire.

He added that a major challenge remains: that is, bringing Caribbean countries together in the recognition that the region cannot sustain and develop its fisheries without integrating its processes in order to achieve the sustainable utilization and governance of the vital fisheries resources across CRFM states.

“Dominica like many of our brother or sister states depends on those fishery resources to provide for our food security, to provide for opportunities of employment, and to provide for a level of food security of our people, knowing that we have a resource that can be sustained for years and for generations to come,” Magloire said.

He called on CRFM member states to support the CRFM in bringing forth a work program geared towards sustainability and responsible governance of the fisheries resources in the region.

The 13th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum concluded after deliberations on the regional spiny lobster declaration, which the Forum is recommending for adoption by the CRFM’s Ministerial Council when it meets in Grenada in May.

Representatives of CRFM partner agencies and institutions, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI), the University of the West Indies (UWI), and fisherfolk organization, as well as private sector representatives, such as the representative of Spice Isles Fish House in Grenada, were among those who attended this week’s Forum meeting.


 Belize City, March 29, 2015 (CRFM): Heads of national fisheries authorities from the seventeen (17) Member States of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), as well as observers and partner agencies, will attend the 13th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum in Grenada this week. The representatives will review the status of fisheries and aquaculture in the region and chart the roadmap for enhancing their contribution to national and regional development.

A Caribbean spiny lobster on the sea floor. This photo was shot during a 2010 NOAA expedition in the U.S. Virgin Islands to map underwater habitats and the marine life they support. (Credit: NOAA)

Photo: A Caribbean spiny lobster on the sea floor. This photo was shot during a 2010 NOAA expedition in the U.S. Virgin Islands to map underwater habitats and the marine life they support. (Credit: NOAA)

CRFM Executive Director, Milton Haughton, said, “The fisheries and aquaculture sector is playing an increasing role in food and nutrition security, as well as the provision of income and livelihoods for the people of the Caribbean.”

The 13th Meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum will open at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, March 30 at the Flamboyant Hotel in St. George’s, Grenada. It will conclude on Tuesday, March 31, 2015.

The Forum is the arm of the CRFM which provides technical and scientific leadership to the organisation. It also provides advice to the CRFM Ministerial Council on regional actions for sustainable development and conservation of the resources.

At its upcoming meeting, the Forum is expected to review and finalise the latest version of the regional lobster declaration and recommend its approval by the Ministerial Council, when it meets in Grenada in May 2015. This is an agreement to promote harmonised regional actions to ensure the sustainability and conservation of spiny lobster resources, and to protect its habitats and ecosystems against the threats of irresponsible fishing, habitat degradation, and climate change and related adverse impacts.

Apart from advancing the regional spiny lobster declaration, the Caribbean Fisheries Forum will review and refine the plan of action for the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy (CCCFP) – a regional agreement for the conservation, management and sustainable utilisation of fisheries and aquaculture resources.

The Forum will also review activities in CRFM states to achieve the sustainable management and use of fisheries resources (including flyingfish, tunas and other tuna-like species), the sustainable development of aquaculture, and adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management in the sector.

The CRFM is an inter-governmental organisation of Caribbean states, namely Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

The CRFM’s goal is to establish appropriate measures for the conservation, management, sustainable utilisation and development of fisheries resources and related ecosystems. It also works to strengthen the skills of fishers across the region, as well as to optimise the social and economic returns from the fisheries sector. Finally, the CRFM promotes competitive trade and stable market conditions.

The fisheries sector in the CARICOM / CARIFORUM region employs over 182,000 persons, directly or indirectly. These fishers are mostly from rural communities which lack other income-earning opportunities.


Belize City, 19 February 2015 (CRFM): The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) is holding its first regional meeting for 2015 this week on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The CRFM is hosting the 24th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, one of its advisory arms, from Thursday, 19 February to Friday, 20 February 2015 at the CRFM’s Secretariat Conference Room, located on the 3rd floor of Corea’s Building on Halifax Street in Kingstown.

Dominica currently chairs the Executive Committee of the Forum, and Grenada sits as the vice chair. The other countries represented on the 6-member Committee are Jamaica, Guyana, Montserrat and Barbados (the immediate past chair).

The Committee holds inter-sessional meetings twice a year between sittings of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, which has representation from all CRFM States. The next meeting of the Forum is due to be held at the end of March in Grenada.

At its upcoming meeting, the Executive Committee will advance discussions on the management of the region’s key fisheries, and it will also review relevant research data for the industry. In order to help ensure the sustainability of this vital pillar of the Caribbean economy, the CRFM continues to promote cost-effective measures to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. These measures will be among the strategies discussed at the upcoming meeting.

The country representatives will also discuss the plan of action for the implementation for the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy (CCCFP), and they will review the approved CRFM biennial work plan for the period 2014-16, which is approaching its first year of completion on 31 March 2015. 

Belize City, 1 December 2014 (CRFM): Japan’s fisheries cooperation with CARICOM has spanned two decades. Following several country seminars held over the past few weeks, the celebration of this milestone—20 years of friendship and cooperation in fisheries—will climax this week, when senior fisheries experts of Member States of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) and Japan meet in Trinidad and Tobago.

On that occasion, the development allies will reflect on the achievements of their partnership, as well as Japan-funded fisheries projects executed to date in the region.

The regional fisheries experts will also discuss and identify future interventions that could be submitted to Japan for funding consideration, especially in light of the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy and the CARICOM Strategic Plan, both recently adopted for the region.

The celebratory review of CARICOM’s fisheries cooperation with Japan will form part of an upcoming regional fisheries workshop which opens on Thursday, 4 December 2014 at the Hilton Hotel in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

Hon. Jairam Seemungal, Minister of Land and Marine Resources, will deliver the feature address at the event, being organized under the auspices of the CRFM, CARICOM and Japan-CARICOM Friendship Year 2014. H.E. Yoshimasa Tezuka, Japan’s Ambassador to Trinidad, and Milton Haughton, Executive Director of the CRFM Secretariat, are also scheduled to deliver remarks at the event.

“We, the Members of CARICOM, recognize the long and exemplary tradition and commitment of Japan in the sustainable use, conservation and management of the living marine resources for sustainable development and improving the well-being and livelihood of people, particularly the poor and vulnerable members of our countries,” Haughton said, in commenting on the upcoming workshops.

The CRFM Executive Director lauded the outstanding contribution and leadership role of Japan at the international level in promoting sustainable fisheries and building capacity of developing states towards this goal, not only in the Caribbean states but also in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific.

"The CRFM is very pleased to be associated with this event. Japan, like most of the CARICOM States, is surrounded by seas and oceans, from which people derived innumerable benefits in the form of food, jobs, transportation, information, culture, and recreation,” Haughton added.

On the day following the regional fisheries workshop to review CARICOM-Japan fisheries cooperation, the parties will also host a meeting to review the progress of the Caribbean Fisheries Co-Management (CARIFICO) Project which commenced implementation in May 2013 through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Workshop participants will also determine ways in which implementation of CARIFICO can be advanced.

Under the Japan-funded CARIFICO project, fisheries stakeholders in some Caribbean countries have been harnessing increased catches and strengthening monitoring and management of pelagic fisheries through the deployment of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs).

“Today, as the threats and challenges posed by global warming, climate change, ocean acidification, and sea level rise, along with marine pollution, and overfishing intensify, we have to review and strengthen our efforts and alliances to conserve, protect and better utilize our coastal and marine resources for sustainable development, with special focus on creating a better future for our fishers and coastal communities that depend on the living marine resources for food security and livelihoods,” Haughton concluded.

 The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) has congratulated member states after a US government review of the status of the Queen Conch keeps the regions conch fishery alive. The review follows a petition to have the Queen Conch listed as threatened or endangered.

On Monday, November 3, 2014, the National Maine Fisheries Services (NMFS), Department of Commerce, USA, concluded that the queen conch is not currently in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range nor is it not likely to become so within the foreseeable future.

Executive Director of the CRFM Mr. Milton Haughton noted: The CRFM is extremely pleased by this outcome and takes this opportunity to commend all the countries and stakeholders across the region that invested time and effort in working with the CRFM Secretariat in providing the detailed scientific and resource management information that assisted the United States authorities in arriving at their determination that the species is neither threatened or endangered.

US-based NGO the WildEarth Guardians had petitioned the US government to list the commercially important queen conch as threatened or endangered under the USA Endangered Species Act (ESA).  After a comprehensive status report for the queen conch conducted over the past 2 years using the best scientific and commercial information available, the US government authorities concluded that the species does not warrant listing at this time.

Mr. Haughton said that the CRFM Secretariat has worked closely with the Member States in opposing this petition which if successful, would have resulted in significant dislocation, loss of jobs and economic harm to thousands of fishers and their families in the countries that depend upon the queen conch for their livelihoods and food security.

The CRFM has maintained from the beginning that the petition was unjustified as it was based on outdated and erroneous information and at variance with the reality of the fisheries in the Caribbean states which are the main source of the commodity exported to the US and European markets,he said. 

Mr. Haughton continued, We must, however, continue to work together in a cooperative manner to ensure proper conservation, effective management and long-term sustainable use of the queen conch resources and indeed all other living marine species that are the basis of commercial and recreational fisheries in the region.

On February 27, 2012, WildEarth Guardians, a US conservation NGO, submitted a petition to the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, to list queen conch as threatened or endangered under the ESA. 

On August 27, 2012, after reviewing the petition, the literature cited in the petition, and other information available to them, NMFS concluded the petition presented substantial scientific or commercial information indicating that the petitioned action may be warranted and initiated a formal status review of the species. Following a more comprehensive review of the literature and information submitted by the CARICOM countries and others in Central and South America, however, it became clear that listing queen conch under the ESA is not warranted. 


During the 2013 – 2014 Programme Year the CRFM continued to advance a number of recent initiatives which are designed to ensure that aquaculture and marine resources make enhanced sustainable contribution to the regional social and economic development. These include programmes to improve governance and management of the fisheries sector, strengthen research and data collection, and build human and institutional capacity to discharge the duties and responsibilities that are part of the multi-faceted portfolios of public and private sector organisations responsible for fisheries and aquaculture development and conservation.  Read it online HERE or download now.

BELIZE CITY, Oct. 15, 2014 (CRFM): The Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED), comprised of Ministers responsible for Agriculture from across the Caribbean Community, has confirmed the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy as a final policy document for the Community.

The Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy (CCCFP) is aimed at fostering greater harmonisation across the Caribbean in the sustainable management and development of the region’s fisheries and aquaculture resources, with special emphasis on promoting the most efficient use of shared resources while aiming to improve food security and reduce poverty in the region.

The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) has said that CARICOM policies, once authorized by COTED, are binding on the countries. At its meeting held in Suriname last Friday, 10 October 2014, COTED gave its stamp of approval to the CCCFP and said that the newly authorized policy should be applied by Member States as far as possible. The formal signing of the CCCFP by member countries is expected to commence in the months ahead.

The recommendation to COTED came out of the 5th Special Meeting of the CRFM's Ministerial Council, held on Thursday, 9 October 2014, in Paramaribo, Suriname, coinciding with Caribbean Week of Agriculture. On that occasion, the CRFM’s Executive Director, Milton Haughton, presented a paper on First CARICOM Strategic Plan (2015 – 2019). The CARICOM Sec

retariat and all other CARICOM Institutions along with the CARICOM countries will all be following a single plan for the first time following its approval by the Heads of Government in July 2014.


Nassau Grouper considered by US for listing as threatened species

On 2 September 2014, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Government of the United States, announced its finding and determination that “the Nassau Grouper meets the definition of a threatened species” and proposes “to list it as threatened under the Endangered Species Act”.

grouperThe CRFM Ministerial Council discussed the USA’s proposal to list the Nassau Grouper, an important commercial fish species in many CRFM Member States, as a threatened species under the USA Endangered Species Act.

The Ministerial Council said that Member States would need to be proactive in addressing this challenge. It called on Member States of the CRFM to compile the best available data and information on the status and active management of Nassau grouper in their countries, particularly information that could inform NMFS’ final listing and proposed conservation measures. The window of opportunity for submitting public comment closes on 31 December 2014.

The Council also expressed grave concern over extra-national activities and decisions that impact on the social and economic conditions and international trade of CRFM Member States.


Strengthening Fisheries cooperation with French Caribbean


Apart from its endorsement of the CCCFP as a final policy document, COTED also endorsed the decision arising out of the 5th Special Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Council, held the day before the COTED meeting, to strengthen cooperation between CARICOM/CRFM States and the French Départements Outre-Mer (DOMs) in the Caribbean, particularly Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guiana.

Since 2011, CRFM States have been discussing ways of improving cooperation with the French territories in the Caribbean, when the issue was discussed within the context of strengthening management and conservation of the Eastern Caribbean flyingfish fishery and combating IUU fishing in the region.

The initiative comes at a time when the CRFM has adopted the first regionally approved management plan for flyingfish, a known shared species that is harvested by up to seven countries in the Eastern Caribbean: six CARICOM States and Martinique. The flyingfish plan was approved by the CRFM in May 2014 and closer cooperation with the French will support its successful implementation and provide opportunities for further dialogue and collaboration on other challenges facing the fishing industry of the countries concerned.


Curaçao applies to join the CRFM


On 17 April 2014, Curaçao submitted its application for Associate Membership in the CRFM. The Ministerial Council, acting on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, supports the application of Curaçao to join the CRFM as an Associate Member.


Consequently, the Ministerial Council has authorized the CRFM Secretariat to commence the process of negotiating an Association Agreement with Curaçao, which should be finalized and ready for signature for the 9th Meeting of the Ministerial Council slated for April/May 2015.

The Ministerial Council is empowered to admit any State or Territory of the Caribbean Region as an Associate Member, providing the Ministerial Council is satisfied that the State or Territory is able and willing to discharge its obligations.


Expanding knowledge sharing using ICT technologies


Representatives of the CRFM countries and stakeholder organisations also discussed strategies for enhanced knowledge management and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for information sharing and cooperation in the fisheries sector as a way to improve the welfare and livelihood of fishers.

The issue was discussed at both the Executive Committee meeting and at a one-day workshop made possible through the CTA-funded Knowledge Platform Project. The workshop reviewed materials and strategies being used for communication among fisheries professionals and stakeholders in the fishing industries across the region and considered ways of improving the effort. The workshop also sought to strengthen the use of ICT in fisheries and identified ways to promote sharing of information and technology for improving participation of stakeholders in policy development and the management of fisheries.

Fish market

CTA is the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, a joint international institution of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and the European Union (EU) which aims to improve food and nutritional security and encourage natural resource management in ACP countries.

At its subsequent meeting, the Ministerial Council underscored the need for countries to use modern ICT tools to enhance policy dialogue and the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of programmes and activities within the fisheries sector. The Council expressed its support for the regional fisheries workshop on promoting blue growth, scheduled for 20 to 21 November 2014 in Grenada.


Update on Case 21 to tackle IUU fishing


In relation to developments in international fisheries law, the CRFM’s Ministerial Council welcomed the ongoing deliberations by the International Tribunal on the Laws of the Seas (ITLOS), to clarify international law on matters such as flag state responsibility and liability in the fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing.

Legal counsel for the CRFM, Professor Pieter Bekker of Dundee University, Scotland, had presented oral arguments to the full Tribunal of 21 Judges on 5 September 2014. Bekker's submission was well received and noted internationally.


BELIZE CITY, August 26, 2014: Eighteen (18) senior fisheries officers and marine management experts from 10 member countries of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) will take part in the 2014 CARICOM Fisheries Law and Management Training Workshop at the University of Wollongong in New South Wales, Australia. The training workshop is funded by the Government of Australia through the Australian Leadership Awards Fellowship Programme.

This is the second training workshop for fisheries personnel from the CARICOM countries. Sixteen (16) officers from nine CARICOM countries were trained in 2012.

The programme aims to enhance the capacity of regional fisheries administration in CARICOM States through the provision of training in areas such as international fisheries and environmental law, marine resource conservation and management, and monitoring, control and surveillance.

The five-week training workshop, which will run from Monday, September 1 to Friday, October 3, 2014, is a collaborative initiative between the CRFM and the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources & Security (ANCORS) at University of Wollongong. It is made possible through a Memorandum of Understanding which the CRFM Secretariat and ANCORS signed during the first training workshop held in October 2012.

Participants are Ms. Trecia Lovell of Antigua and Barbuda, Ms. Vivian Belisle-Remnarace and Mr. Rigoberto Quintana of Belize, Ms. Jeannette Mateo and Mr. Aramis Cespedes of the Dominican Republic, Mr. Casimir McDonald and Mr. Francis Calliste of Grenada, Ms. Ingrid Peters and Mr. Denzil Roberts of Guyana, Mr. Junior Squire and Mr. Gary Isaacs of Jamaica, Mr. Samuel Heyliger and Mr. Clive Wilkinson of St. Kitts and Nevis, Mr. Thomas Nelson and Mr. Vaughn Serieux of St. Lucia, Mr. Kris Isaacs and Ms. Cheryl Jardine-Jackson of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Mr. Zojindra Arjune of Suriname.


Belize City, August 27, 2014:  The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) will on September 5, 2014 give oral arguments to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) in Hamburg, Germany in response to a request for an advisory opinion on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing in African waters.

ITLOS, which is made up of 21 Judges, including two from the Caribbean, namely, Judge Dolliver Nelson (Grenada), and Judge Anthony Amos Lucky (Trinidad and Tobago), is hearing oral submissions from States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and International Organisations with an interest in the subject.

Professor Pieter Bekker

Legal Counsel for the CRFM, Professor Pieter Bekker of Dundee University, UK (photo left) will join representatives of nine (9) countries and the SRFC, the European Union (EU), and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) in presenting oral arguments.

Milton Haughton, Executive Director of the CRFM, noted: “The hearing is as important to the Caribbean as it is to the States that have sought advice, as it could set significant precedents for the way illegal fishing is dealt with in the future, particularly regarding the liability of flag States for IUU fishing conducted by their vessels.”

He continued: “IUU fishing is a multi-billion dollar enterprise that inflicts great economic and environmental harm on States that are victims, especially developing countries such as CARICOM countries, with limited capacity for monitoring, control and enforcement of their fisheries laws.”

The SRFC is seeking advice in response to four questions:

1) What are the obligations of the flag State in cases where illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities are conducted within the Exclusive Economic Zone of third party States?

2) To what extent shall the flag State be held liable for IUU fishing activities conducted by vessels sailing under its flag?

3) Where a fishing license is issued to a vessel within the framework of an international agreement with the flag State or with an international agency, shall the State or international agency be held liable for the violation of the fisheries legislation of the coastal State by the vessel in question?

4) What are the rights and obligations of the coastal State in ensuring the sustainable management of shared stocks and stocks of common interest, especially the small pelagic species and tuna?

The Case was initiated on March 28, 2013, when the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC) representing seven African States sought the Tribunal’s assistance regarding IUU fishing by vessels registered in foreign States within waters under the national jurisdiction or control of its members and on the High Seas.  The SRFC includes Cape Verde, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal, Sierra Leone and the Gambia.

The arguments in Case 21 can be viewed via live Web stream through the ITLOS Web site (www.itlos.org).

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